




Hamer博士将与埃克塞特大学(Exeter)和普利茅斯大学(Plymouth)的同事合作,将GPS追踪器设备安装在来自英国12个殖民地的成对塘鹅上。 塘鹅还将配备小型化的,快速记录的深度记录仪因此研究人员可以看到鸟类潜水的深度以及它们在水下的捕食方式--都表明了它们所选择食物种类。




Fishing discard ban could damage sea bird success


Dr Hamer will work with colleagues at the universities of Exeter and Plymouth to fit GPS tracker devices on breeding pairs of gannets from twelve colonies around the UK. The gannets will also be fitted with miniaturised, fast-acting depth recorders, so the researchers can see how deep the birds dive and how they pursue prey underwater - both indicative of the kinds of food they are targeting.


Blood and feather samples from the gannets will be analysed to determine their diet and their nests monitored to check how well they are feeding their chicks. The data will be plotted against the location of fishing vessels in the North Sea to calculate how many of the birds are relying on discards to breed successfully.











Hamer博士将与埃克塞特大学(Exeter)和普利茅斯大学(Plymouth)的同事合作,将GPS追踪器设备安装在来自英国12个殖民地的成对塘鹅上。 塘鹅还将配备小型化的,快速记录的深度记录仪因此研究人员可以看到鸟类潜水的深度以及它们在水下的捕食方式--都表明了它们所选择食物种类。




Fishing discard ban could damage sea bird success


Dr Hamer will work with colleagues at the universities of Exeter and Plymouth to fit GPS tracker devices on breeding pairs of gannets from twelve colonies around the UK. The gannets will also be fitted with miniaturised, fast-acting depth recorders, so the researchers can see how deep the birds dive and how they pursue prey underwater - both indicative of the kinds of food they are targeting.


Blood and feather samples from the gannets will be analysed to determine their diet and their nests monitored to check how well they are feeding their chicks. The data will be plotted against the location of fishing vessels in the North Sea to calculate how many of the birds are relying on discards to breed successfully.


