The International Conference on River Connectivity是一个年度会议,旨在寻找方式平衡生态环境与渔业资源的最优解。在2020年的计划中,来自不同国家的专家和公司管理者将探讨因需要从欧洲河流汲水和发电而引起的紧张局势,大坝和其他障碍对生态系统和栖息地的影响,以及新技术和适应性管理对于恢复河流连通性的有效性。
Fish Passage 2020
The AMBER & FITHYDRO Event will explore the tensions caused by the need to draw water and generate hydropower from European Rivers and the impacts dams and other barriers have on ecosystems and habitats, as well as the way novel technologies and adaptive management can help restore stream connectivity in more efficient ways.
The International Conference on River Connectivity是一个年度会议,旨在寻找方式平衡生态环境与渔业资源的最优解。在2020年的计划中,来自不同国家的专家和公司管理者将探讨因需要从欧洲河流汲水和发电而引起的紧张局势,大坝和其他障碍对生态系统和栖息地的影响,以及新技术和适应性管理对于恢复河流连通性的有效性。
Fish Passage 2020
The AMBER & FITHYDRO Event will explore the tensions caused by the need to draw water and generate hydropower from European Rivers and the impacts dams and other barriers have on ecosystems and habitats, as well as the way novel technologies and adaptive management can help restore stream connectivity in more efficient ways.